If you happen to be one of the guys whom travels the world and stumbles upon the “right” girl, than congrats you are not alone. The question is now what to do with her when you depart her country, only to fly back home and start the daily grind at work with no one but yourself. You might continue to communicate with her, and decide that continuing the relationship, just might be marriage. Sounds crazy? Not really. Welcome to the K1 Visa.
This visa allows you to fly your girl to be to the United States for a free 90 day trial. Is 90 days enough? Probably not. However, that’s the deal, so here is how to go about it. You must first petition for the paper work. You can do it online. Click here if you want guidance on how to fill out the forms. I suggest about one full year of “logged” chat on Skype or Facebook. Social media shows that you are for real, and not just flying over a girl on an all expenses paid Sexcapade. Using Skype over the course of a 6 months to a year will also give you the information you need, as well as dedicating yourself to a person whom you can monitor for faithfulness. Your girl might be that perfect innocent little pumpkin you have been waiting for your whole life, but plenty of smart men get fooled every year around the globe. The turn around time for visa approval is around 3-4 months coupled with an interview for your fiance from the U.S. embassy. They will check into her back round, and verify whether or not she has been married before. DO NOT pay the high price for a lawyer. There are plenty of place on the Internet that will show you the sample paperwork you need. It’s a bit time consuming by yourself, but you do the paper work in stages, never spending more than an hour or so per stage. Once she is cleared, she will be given a date on which she can fly to the U.S. I would make use of the 90 days wisely. You don’t have to do the full blow wedding, just get the legal marriage certificate, and worry about the actual marriage later. She must wait around 1 full year before receiving her green card, so her ability to work will be suspended. The worst that can happen is on week 2, you figure out she is nuts, and only skin deep with looks, and you fly her back early. The USCIS is the agency that will review your application. You just have to meet some minimum salary requirements, so that they are sure you can take care of her in your host country. Approval for fiance visa’s are fairly easy, if you fly out to meet her first, and show contact before and after that meeting. If you never meet her, than it is highly likely your application will not process. I cant stress enough how well the Cupid Love Links works in getting that first start to meet a girl abroad. It’s very cheap, it has a video chat interface, and if you pick the right country, you will have 1000’s to choose from that respond all the time. Good Luck

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