If you ask a sample size of 1000 men if they had a good experience of dating women online, around 78 percent would say “No.” and that dating online Sucks. Why choose the online platform than? Well, dating people at work usually turns into a poor decision. The first being, that if something goes wrong, there you are, you have to see her every single day, and deal with the other employees whom eventually hear of this passing rumors around your workplace, which will eventually lead to more and more rumors about you and your personal life, not to mention you have to see her and deal with her everyday. Date people from bars? Small selection, and if you pick her up there, chances are your getting a girl that many have picked up. The online site is looking better and better.
Getting set up by a friend also rarely works, as both side of the friendship are so interested in seeing you hook up that it ultimately feels unnatural. Online dating makes a statement before you meet. It says, I am willing to go out with you because what I have seen so far looks good! The problem with online dating, is what you see you don’t always get. Online Dating profiles are much like that of a job resume, they are filled with fluff and everything you want to hear. The better the online profile sounds the most likely the farthest thing from the truth exists.
Most experiences I hear from men deal with women showing up with the attitude of what can I get from you, rather than what can I do for you. When you show up on an online date, the last thing to do is preach about your wants and needs, it might be important, but it sets the tone negatively. If she comes out and orders the most expensive thing on the menu, checks her phone and constantly texts friends, I suggest you get up from your seat for the bathroom, find the waitress and pay your half of the bill. There is no use in figuring out a “No Go” woman, so get the fuck out and get out fast. Women in the american dating scene that are very attractive and still dating online are one of 2 things. Hot, and to good looking to be satisfied with just one mans bank account. Crazy, and when I say crazy, I mean well above the normal range, or they are new to the scene, and freshly out of a bad relationship. The last option is rare, but it really is your only shot.
So if you already agree why dating online sucks, what can you do?

The first thing is to join online dating sites that hook up men and women from all over the world, not locally in the U.S. When you date abroad online, you are already 4 times better looking because you are from another country practicing a different culture with so much to talk about. Women look at wealth and looks, but they approach those things later not right up front. In Asia, good looks are totally different than how an American woman would want you to appear, so start with a nice suit, and a clean shave, as your weight, height and hair wont matter as much there. Join a reputable site that has overseas options, I have put advertising on this site to only the top overseas dating services, all of which has been tried true and tested by me.
The process works like this you sign up for lets say Thai Love Links and you put your profile up. Start by staying away from any terms relating to sex or sexuality, it’s best to talk about your job and family life along with your love for “Thai Food”. If you talk to Thai women about food and family you are as good as gold. If you want something more European like Russia, than research Russian women and join here. There are many option for dating online abroad. You don’t want to travel across the world to meet a woman? No shit. Most of us don’t, but your options on a stable, beautiful, hard working woman here in the states are limited to the 1 percent whom either has so much money it’s ridiculous or is just that good looking that he is hit on every day. Schedule a vacation with dating in mind, set up 3-5 girls in personal video cam conversations on the above selected links. (BTW… the girls on these dating sites are real, you can talk to them via cam if you don’t believe their pictures, and their demand for you is high, as the supply and demand for good men in their country is low, so don’t worry you will find someone well out of your expectations.) The options of meeting them online through the love link program also allows for you to have cam to cam privileges once you pay for your account. Don’t bitch about online dating, do it right and it can work for you!

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