It’s here. The best Idea ever, and the only reason I found it was because I came up with it myself one day and tried too google this amazing idea of being able to have Virtual Sex Online with my Girlfriend from Overseas. My Idea was to create a masturbation device, that you could put on your cock, and plug into your computer, while watching your girlfriend online using Skype or some video program.

She would have a dildo, with hundreds of sensors on it. What ever she did with the dildo online the machine would respond. I thought, there is no way that someone out there is as sick as me to have come up with this Idea, but unfortunately I was wrong. RealTouch has created a haptic devive that does just this, but even better they have a site that you can rent hot chicks for the evening to get you off live after you purchase the device. The prices range from 25-300 bucks but it all happens live and synced in time through your computer to your device. The device is so accurate that if she licks the left side of the dildo, the soft heated silicon material in the device reacts on your left side of your cock. There is lubrication and heat applied to make it feel as close to the real thing as possible, I just bought one, but my girlfriend does not know it yet, I am exclusively using the online models to have my fun. I can’t believe how fucking good this thing works, I am just pissed that I didn’t think of it. I know that this doesn’t really relate to the site that much, but it would be a fun way to have a good time with your girl while she is away Overseas. The best part is the device just went on sale for 199.00 bucks from around 350.00. It comes with software, and lube and videos that are all timed in sequence if you like that thing, but the live application is where its at. I highly suggest getting this thing quickly before everyone catches on, as the 25.00 live girl blow jobs will quickly increase in price as the online Models become more in demand. Here is the link, feel free to post your comments. The picture on this post is an actual live model you can have virtual sex with. Wow. I was almost rich. Click for more information below.

By zamriabdullahzamri @ on
I love you all