This is the famous question that forums neglect to concentrate on. I recently got married to a girl whom lived in Thailand, while we were there she was the most wonderful thing in the world. She cooked, cleaned, and even bathed me. The grooming process was happening. I knew it, but I also wanted to know what things she would culturally keep and what would she let go of when she lived with me back in the States. The first thing a Thai girl has to learn, is that we don’t all own a BMW and we can’t buy them a Hermes purse the moment they hit the soil. You would think that coming from a farm way off in Northen Thailand that they would appreciate the little things like plumbing and air conditioning. Nope. They go straight to the top as they have been formerly educated by other Thai girls during the visa process along with the Internet, about what’s to come next. Don’t believe me? Visit this site on the Thai personality.
No matter what I write or as negative as I might sound in this article, I still would not change a thing, because compared to the American counterpart, I am still happy, the perfect woman was just not as perfect as the dream, but still allot better than what I would have got here in the States. I would say the best Thai girl you could get is the most educated one. Find one with a degree and the desire to pursue a goal. She will know the value of money, and respect everything that you bring to the table. However, if your a waiter back in the states, I suggest the farm girl. The educated Thai have very high standards and are very picky and rarely go out with “farang” men as they do not want to look like a bar girl. However, if you are educated, and show a business savvy persona than she might just make an exception.
Farm girls are better than bar girls, in the way that they most likely haven’t already had sex with over 1000 men, but they also lack the educational skills to keep them realistic in their new life in the states. Most “farang” or foreigners think that she will be more than grateful for all the new amenities that you will offer her, but to their surprise she will always want more and look at things as a matter of fact rather than complete astonishment. So in short will she stay the way she was… No. She will change, but not to the degree the amount your American buddies tell you she will. My favorite thing ever is the commentary from those whom never spent a day overseas in their lives, lecturing you on why not to marry this girl whom will take every cent you have, while they themselves are on their third marriage and now supposedly completely content with their fat ass spoiled wife, who bitches all day long. On that subject will she dump you or stay the same once the required two years are up for her citizenship. Possibly, but that depends on a few factors. One are you an idiot who married a bar girl, one that you met while she was working other men in Thailand. Two, was she constantly interested in your income, size of home and car you drove, and three have you known her for more than a year or less than 2 months. I suggest you take things slow, visit her frequently and watch how much money she demands from you. Sending more than 500 a month to girl you want to marry is still too much in Thailand. If she is educated and works and has to much pride to ask you for money, than you might have a keeper. By the way the things that will stay are her desires to cook for you, and be your best friend. The cleaning can go either way… The sex, well that too will lessen over time, unless of course you got the “one”.

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