This is a tough one since Westerners are not accustomed to sending money for dating. Typically men and women operate independently. Women in America generally have their own income, their own job and do not need complete financial support. Don’t get me wrong, there’s the dinner, gifts and money for necessities here but typically this is viewed as extra income not shared income. Thai women that you date, will expect your financial support. This is a very gray area, as Thai people readily give money between loved ones without question. If you are to act out of accordance, this will be viewed as disrespectful and selfish. I have one rule of thumb. I treat each girl is as an investment. The more willing I am to invest trust, the more I will recognize the importance of establishing money for dating with this girl. If I do not see myself marrying sometime in the future with this person, no allowance will be established. I must stress, that gold diggers in Thailand exist even more so it seems that in the Western world. Part of this is due to the fact that we know that many girls have a need, or ulterior motive as to why they will stay with us. Bar girls are notorious for having 6-7 different men sending them paychecks every month to take care of their ailing mom, father, brother, sister or Water Buffalo. It is incredibly easy to fall into the Thai sympathy trap, as many of them aren’t lying about their problems. In America, we live much more independently thanks to saving programs that the government has put into place for us like social security or 401(k) options. The Thai social security is children, and their 401(k) just might be you. I want to be careful not to skew this to hard on Thai people, because for every dollar you give a good Thai girl, you will get back 10 fold in care. I can’t stress enough how much they are willing to do for you in physical labor alone, as they love to give and share themselves with you. My suggestion is to let them know this is not your first Thai relationship, and that you are familiar with taking care of someone monetarily, but in your last relationship you got burned, so you must start slowly. You must fend off the “selfish” label, because it is handed out pretty easy if you don’t foot the bill. I remember my first date, which included the girl and 3 of her friends. This is typical, of a Thai first date, if she is a good girl she will always bring a friend or two. She will also expect you to foot the bill. These girls can eat, so be sure to take them to a local place, where there are just Thai, no tourists. Your bill should not be over 30 American dollars for the whole group if you do it this way. Sending Money to your girl after an established relationship has occurred can happen, when you know she is with you, and you only. If you wish to see her again, but are not serious about a relationship, than don’t send money. If at any time you feel you are being taken, your probably right, so I hope sending money for dating will come to an abrupt stop. There are plenty of good girls in the world, it’s the one that gets you that spoils it for the rest. Keep that in mind.
[…] she does for you. By taking the Thai girl out of her zone, you will effectively remove her play of monetizing your relationship and shacking up with someone with a better defense. This article was written by farang key nook […]