I will try and write this article without sounding like an infomercial, but it might be difficult as my success using Thai Love Links was dramatically above and beyond any dating system on the planet. I have other articles on this site that refer to finding “Good” women to date overseas and include other online methods that also proved to be somewhat successful, but none as qualified as Thai Love Links.

I am currently dating the girl who appears in the photos of this very article, those pictures were taken with my Canon DSLR camera, and they look quite professional if I may so myself. These girls were hand picked through Thai Love Links, and their profiles were put together in a way that allowed me to choose a higher quality level of girl, than I ever could by just visiting Thailand and going for it. This particular girl was a student who lived in Korat, and is coming to visit me in the states on her education visa. She also has makes a decent living in Thailand as a marketing consultant. I suppose if she finds this article it’s curtains for me, but the great part is that there is always more, which is why Thai Love Links might be the greatest find for women since Camfrog. My initial trips to Thailand were playing around with the bar scene, but as pretty and gentle as some of these girls seem to be, they are really only out there to make a sale for the night. I wanted more, I wanted a girl that was established in business and didn’t spend her nights getting railed by tourists across the world. My roommate who travels with me actually signed up first, and was closing high quality Thai girls all of which whom were from affluent families or strong educational back rounds , and most importantly could speak English well. Don’t get me wrong you can party it up with out the use of this site in Thailand and still have a great time getting women, however, they will most likely be the freelancing type, looking to get your wallet. The key to finding and keeping a good Thai Woman is get to know her, and talk with he in depth before you make your trip. This way when she meets you, you have established a comfort zone, and reputation as a tourist with an agenda for a real relationship, not just some sex starved foreigner looking to add another notch to the belt. This is absolutely key to getting past the stereotypes they put on tourists coming to Thailand for just sex. Thai Love Links lets you see and talk to the girl, establish an online relationship, and when your trip arrives there will be no more guess work from either partner. I suggest opening a skype account also, because conversation with video interaction is also key, so there will be no surprises when you arrive. Good Luck, I hope you can have the success I had using this online dating approach.
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